Discount Butterfly Oils| Dry Herb Packs-Salves


(formerly Skin Irritation)
Calendula flowers, marshmallow, comfrey, mullein leaves or flowers
CM is a basic salve for healing non-open wounds such as breaks and sprains. It is particularly good for rashes and skin irritations of many varieties. CM can be layered with arnica oil if there is swelling. Consider using the BHM salve, discussed above, instead of this one for injuries.

(formerly Total Body)

Comfrey,  mullein leaves or flowers, marshmallow, white oak bark, wormwood, lobelia, skullcap, black walnut leaves,  plantain, red clover blossoms, Oregon grape root

This is an adaptation of a Dr. Christopher recipe. It is a very effective, all-purpose salve. Use to aid healing in sprains, breaks, strains, skin rashes, and minor burns.

(formerly Drawing Salve)

Comfrey,  mullein leaves or flowers, marshmallow, white oak bark, wormwood, lobelia, skullcap, black walnut leaves,  plantain, red clover blossoms, Oregon grape root, bay leaf, fenugreek seed, uva ursi, chaparral, poke root
This salve has all the same herbs as the BHM salve, with the addition of herbs that are specific to infections and suppurating sores. This is a very potent salve! It is better at drawing out infections than anything I have ever seen on the market—both herbal and otherwise.

This salve is strong enough to handle even wide-spread infections, especially if made with as much fresh plant material as possible (or made with separate single tinctures that were made with fresh plant material as discussed earlier).

For more information on the formulas in the Herb Packs, click HERE