Butterfly Express Herbal Formulas & Essential Oils for Pregnancy/Childbirth/Breastfeeding

*everything mentioned here is made by and available through Butterfly Express!! Laree Westover, the owner, was an herbal midwife for many years before discovering essential oils. These formulas are her “babies”, and were created by her, and used by her with her own clients for many years. She really knows her stuff, and these herbal formulas and oil blends WORK! They are amazing, as many, many women can attest to!

AFB-regulates pain of after birth contractions; amazingly effective. lifts mood, helps avoid post- partum depression        
FSW (5-6 week formula) -shortens length of labor and recovery time, helps avoid post-partum depression
LS-stimulates a stalled labor or labor that is unusually slow; does not induce labor
MC-to prevent miscarriage in first trimester, history of miscarriage, use with PHB
Lobelia/Cayenne-helps relax during labor, speeds slow labor
MP-Mastitis relief
NF-increases fats/protein in milk supply, increases milk production
PT-Pregnancy tea (can get either herb pack for tea, or tincture), balances hormones during pregnancy
PHB-balances hormones, especially effective at relieving symptoms during pregnancy: nausea, mood swings, headaches, cravings, etc. Essential for women who have had repeated
first trimester miscarriages (with MC). Also corrects low hormone levels and low progesterone levels between cycles

Click HERE to learn more about any of the above formulas, as well as to learn more about how to use each one. This information can be found in the book Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies.

HERE is the chapter on Women's Health from the book Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils, that talks about which essential oils to use during every stage of pre-conception, pregnancy and childbirth. There is AMAZING information here!